Worth A Try
TLDR: Musket Room is a good special occasion option for vegetarians and vegans. With an all-vegan menu as well as a meat-inclusive one, Musket Room has something for everyone in a warm atmosphere perfect for a winter celebration. Take your best vegan pal and pop some wine, it’s a 30-somethings-appropriate party time!

Image credit: www.ijustwanttoeat.com
Ah celebrations, a time to go all out on a meal! In NYC, tasting menus feel like the go-to special occasion option. Many are Michelin starred and have the price tags to prove it. I don’t frequently go for a tasting menu (often too filling, too expensive, and too long), but I like the “specialness” of these meals.
For vegetarians and vegans, finding the right special occasion spot is even harder. I know, because I have somehow collected a lot of these people as my friends and I know how boring it is to want to celebrate their birthdays at the same place every year. So I was delighted to come across Musket Room, which offers a full 8 course vegan tasting menu in addition to an “omnivore” one.
While they have meat, Musket Room is mainly a good option if you are veg or want to eat veg – you can do better on tasting menus if you’re a meat-eater. It’s not that anything was bad, but the dishes on the omnivore side were a bit forgettable which is not what you want when you’re having a big night out. An illustrative point: my group’s favorite non-veg item was the bread with anchovy butter. It was delicious, but you kind of don’t want the starter bread to be your favorite part of a fancy meal.
However, if it’s vegetables you’re craving, Musket Room is a great option. Even as a non-vegan, Musket Room’s veg menu is appealing; it’s the kind of offering which shows off the deliciousness of vegetables and doesn’t try to be meat or dairy (I HATE fake cheese). I’m always trying to eat less meat for the 🌎, so having this option (and the option to swap bites with my partner omnivore) was great.
The menu changes fairly often, so you’ll always be getting the freshest vegetables. When I went, the standout dish was the celeriac and truffle dish, which came with a ridiculously huge pile of delicious black truffles. Yum!
Another nice thing about the Musket Room regardless of your diet is the atmosphere. It has a sort of elevated farmhouse vibe that is super cozy and perfect for winter. The warm and celebratory feel is just baked in, only adding to your wine-fueled cheer.
Winter birthday vegans, you’re welcome.